My Research

Currently I am working with Quantum Superconducting Circuits to develop Multi-Body interactions within these circuits. These interactions will imporve the current multi body Quantum Gates by performing them in a single interaction.
I also work with some theoritical condensed matter looking into the links between Chern Simons theory and the franctional quantum hall effect.
My work with supercondcuting circuits has given me an interest in quantum computing that has exapnded my interests in Quanutm Computing to Quantum Simulators and Quantum Machine Learning. Both of which I am researching in my PhD.

You can find my posters here and my Masters Thesis here. You can find a link to all my papers here

Current Reseach Projects

Quantum Error Correction With Dispersive Shifts

Extending ideas of iToffoli project into area of Quantum Error Correction. We use dispersive shifts to effect parity measurements thta can combine to form stablizers.

Low frequency SWAP gates

We examine the properties of tunablly coupled qubits to create low frequency bSWAP gates. These bSWAP gates are equivalent to SWAP gates via single qubit X gates.

Quantum Gravity in Low Dimension

We create a toy model of quantum gravity in low dimensions by connecting a liouville theory with massless dirac fermions. We examine the effects curved spacetime on these theories numerically and discuss the expermetnal realizations that would be needed to examine this theory in a lab setting.

Completed/Old Projects

Three Body interactions in Superconducting Circuits

Many body interactions within supercondcuting circuits are usually broken down into one and two qubit gates. This slows down the interaction and reduces the overall fidelity of the gate. I aim to imporve this by designing a circuit that can perform three body interactions.

Quantum Simulators - Quantum Link model and BEC's

Quantum computers come in many different types, the most well known is the gate model types where algorithms are executed on Quantum Chips. Quantum simulators are specifically designed Quantum computers that simulate a Quantum system that is hard to simulate clasically.

Fractional Quantum Hall from Chen Simons

The Fractional Quantum Hall effect was discovered in the 1990's and has puzzled condensed matter theoriests for a while. The exact mechanism for the creation of the fractionaliztion within this effect is not known.